Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Almost at Lock-up!

Almost at Lock-up!!
Hi All - sorry but work and family have been keeping me very, very busy. Lot's has been happening with the house and we can hardly keep up with it ourselves. In a matter of 2 weeks.. * Windows went in * Gutters and fascia went up * Roof went on * Wrapping went up * Wooden borders went up around the windows * Lina boards went on this week * My beautiful huge kitchen window went in * All electrical work completed, and * The bi-fold 5 panel door went in which gives us access from the dining room to the alfresco HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greybox's administration again out did themselves by ordering and installing a white aluminium bi-fold door - which should have been TIMBER.. they even stated that there was no variation for this change so the doors would remain! ummm.. EXCUSE ME!! We soon sent through an email stating the door will be removed and replaced with a TIMBER one as per the: 1. Specifications 2. Working Drawings, and 3. Quote We have yet to receive a response, but I can't see how they can not change it when it is stated in black and white. I also couldn't understand why our Linea boards where going up when they are the wrong colour!! We queried this today and were told that they were to be painted the correct colour.. hmmmm.. can anyone tell me why I had to choose a colourbond colour for the boards when they are are going to now be painted?? Why couldn't I just choose any colour, for example from the Dulux or Bristol range?? Anyway, we are really happy with the progress - haven't asked when it will be finished as we don't want to be disappointed, but fingers crossed it will continue to go along at a steady pace so we can organise a big house warming - with lot's and lot's of beverages.. hehe Have uploaded some photos below also.. until my next post.. ME :-)
Mia being cheeky as ever!

The view from our backyard... Above: Kitchen, Dinning and Living RoomThe WRONG bi-folds.. but I love the look.. if only they were in TIMBER!!! PATIENCE.. hehe


  1. Good luck Kylie! Hope they don't make you wait 6 weeks like they seemed to do for us each time they buggered up!

  2. 6 weeks... are you kidding.. not that it really matters to us at the moment but when we are up to the stage you guys are at it will.. I am so over Greybox's admin! Seriously, are they ever going to get it right - just once??

    Have you guys been advised when you can finally move in?

  3. No, we have no idea when handover will be. Especially since we have this new SS now.

    I just wish it was all over!
